Home > Resources > Consistent and dependable HR for the Greater London Authority
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Name: Patrick Alleyne
Title: Senior HR Manager
Organisation: Greater London Authority
Industry: Local government
Organisation size: 500-1000

The Greater London Authority (GLA) is the regional government entity for Greater London, England. In addition to the Mayor and the London Assembly, this administrative body employes over 500 city employees who work in a variety of functions.

Patrick Alleyne, a senior HR manager at GLA, leads a team of HR professionals with different skill-sets and levels of experience. He needed dependable HR compliance resources that could bring everyone up to speed.

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The challenge

The GLA is London’s top-tier administrative body. It needs to ensure that the information the HR department gives to employees is both consistent and reliable. For this reason, Senior HR Manager Patrick Alleyne was looking for accurate HR compliance resources and guidance that could be accessed by everyone on the team.

The GLA is a public body, so it is particularly important that the advice and guidance that it gives is clear and up to date. “You need reassurance that the information and resources will offer you the most accurate and helpful material which you know you can rely on,” says Patrick.

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The results

“Once each person had an account, they could just log straight on and access the information immediately,” says Patrick. He thought that the HR & Compliance Centre stood out above the competition. “It’s so simple; and as long as you can navigate the web, you can use the HR & Compliance Centre.”

The GLA users particularly like the interactive flowcharts, which guide them through a range of HR procedures, making it an excellent development tool for less-experienced staff.

Additionally, the detailed how-to guides provide practical advice for managing workplace situations. “These guides are great when reviewing the GLA way of doing things and revising and updating processes to reflect the prevailing climate,” says Patrick.

The GLA team finds that, by setting up their own HR & Compliance Centre profiles, they save valuable time as they receive information specific to their topics of choice. “The HR & Compliance Centre allows you to select topics which are relevant to you. You receive alerts via email on key topics.” As a result, Patrick’s team is alerted immediately to changes affecting them, ensuring that they remain compliant and up to speed with leading practices.

Greater London Authority

Patrick Alleyne
Senior HR Manager

“Once I had been told about the HR & Compliance Centre and was given a demonstration, it seemed the only way to go. Once each person had an account, they could just log straight on and access the information immediately.”

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